Hi! Yesterday I just posted pictures but today its back to normal. As you can see above are two pictures of a Wii game called Mysims. I got this Wii game on Tuesday and its very good and addictive. I highly recommend it. From building your house and workshop to collecting essences its all fun! My favourite essence so far has to be the happy essence because its cute.
ONM forum talk
Here are some questions from the ONM forum that I will answer:
The Magazine
Should ONM scrap the GBA chart???
Yes and No. Yes because they could have the top 15 wii games and No because its funny to read.
Which Nintendo character is the best?
Zero Suit
None of them. But if I had to choose then probably Luigi or DK.
The one thing I'd love to see ONM bring back
Back in the old NOM there was a small section where people designed there own game covers and wrote a small description about it. It was brilliant and it gives us more to do then design covers. Any chance of you bringing it back ONM team?
I never brought the old NOM but this does sound rather fun.
Issue 26 Feedback Thread
Good issue, but not great. The cover was a bit boring as I don't like Star wars so I didn't read the pages on Star wars. The Wii Fit article was interesting and I also enjoyed the Nights review. The preview section was a bit small this month and the free gift could have been better, such as a Mario Kart keyring but overall good job!
Reviews & Buyer's Guide
Super Mario galaxy sucks
Now i know what your thinking but i am not insane. the game was great for about a
week but than it just got boring and repitive who agrees
SMG is alright. Its a good game and probably one of the best games on wii. Every moment is magical but I don't really like Mario that much, however if it was a Sonic game then I would love it! I give it 85% overall partly because its only Mario!
Is Mario and Sonic as good as ONM says?
It's my birthday coming up and I'm thinking of buying Mario and Sonic at the Olympics. Thing is though, apart from ONM's great review of the game, most of the other reviews for it have been rather bad(IGN, Gamespot, ect.) So is the game as
good as ONM says and should I pick it up?
Yes! Go for it. Its my favourite game on Wii and beats Super Mario Galaxy anyday. Most of the events are great fun and you actually feel like you have done something instead of sitting on a sofa and playing games. Best of all Shadow is in it.