This is my Pokemon Pearl Trainer card. Of coruse this is not my real team. I will have to join a Pokemon website soon to find some people who want to trade because I need to complete my Pokedex. But first I need to catch some more Pokemon. If you haven't got Pokemon Diamond or Pearl for the DS yet then you must get it now!!!!
Sure here's my emial address jaeads@insightbb.com but it would be easier to go to my blog and leave me a comment on any post, it would be easier. go to jacobsgamecorner.blogspot.com to go directly to my blog. What starter pokemon did you start out with? The best choice is Turtwig but the others are just as good. comment or email your pokemon team and I will post it on my blog.
As a word of advice to you, don't try to capture all of the pokemon before you challenge the pokemon leauge, it is a pain in the butt.
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