Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Spyro Film and The third game!

Its almost like a dream come true. They are making a proper Legend of Spyro Film. It better be good.

Also the third game possibly called "Legend of Spyro: Darkest Hour" has been announced for the PS3, PS2, Wii, Xbox 360 and DS or so EBgames says:

Game Info
*First appearance on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360
*Epic culmination of "Legend of Spyro" storyline Spyro finally faces the Dark Master
*Fly at any time – first free flight in a Spyro game
*Co-op play with Cynder (female dragon)
*Global release Oct/Nov 2008

Omg Earthquakes??

Yesterday night at nearly 1am a Earthquake hit the UK. I was asleep so I didn't feel it but when I woke up it was all over the news. It was only a tiny one and nothing too serious happened but its still weird. I didn't know we had earthquakes in the UK.

Monday, 25 February 2008

The "If I were a" QUIZ

1. If I were a fruit, I'd be...A Kiwi fruit.
2. If I were a color, I'd be...Purple.
3. If I were an animal, I'd be...Cat.
4. If I were a part of clothes, I'd be...A Sock :P
7. If I were a part of jewelery, I'd be...A Pearl necklace.
8. If I were an object, I'd be...A computer.
9. If I were an element, I'd be...Silver.
10. If I were a tree, I'd be...A Orange tree.
11. If I were a drink, I'd be...Coke
12. If I were a taste of an ice-cream, I'd be....Mint Chocolate Chip.
13. If I were a person, I'd be... Me!
14. If I were a planet, I'd be...Neptune
15. If I were an insect, I'd be...A ladybird.
16. If I were a part of a public transport, I'd be...A red Bus.
17. If I were a song, I'd be...Rule the world By Take That.
18. If I were a movie, I'd be...Shrek 2!
19. If I were a season, I'd be...Spring!
21. If I were a flower, I'd be...A Daisy.
22 If I were a place, I'd be...The UK!
23. If I were a gift, I'd be...Chocolates.
24. If I were a memory, I'd be...The one that makes you think about how much your life is worth.
25. If I were a city, I'd be...Cardiff.
26. If I were a sense, I'd be...Sight.
27. If I were a game, I'd be...Kingdom Hearts 2.
28. If I were a sweet, I'd be...Rainbow Sherbet.
29. If I were a time of a day, I'd be...Evening.
30. If I were a Letter, I'd be...L.
31. If I were a part of a body, I'd be...the head.
32. If I were a kind of taste, I'd be...Coffee
33. If I were a sport, I'd be...Tennis.
34. If I were a smell, I'd be...Lavender.
38. If I were a school subject, I'd be...Geography.
39. If I were a flag, I'd be...A Pokemon flag.
40. If I were a building, I'd be...A House.
41. If I were a month, I'd be...January.
42. If I were a chewing gum, I'd be...Candy Floss Flavour.
43. If I were a toy, I'd be...A Spyro figurine
44. If I were a word, I'd be...Weird.
45. If I were an emotion, I'd be...Love
46. If I were a Spyro character, I'd be... Spyro.
47. If I were a Kingdom Hearts character, I'd be... Sora.
48. If I were a Pokemon. I'd be... Chimchar.
49. If I were a Sonic character, I'd be... Shadow.
50. If I were a TV show, I'd be...Xiaolin Showdown.

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

My Pokemon Pearl Trainer card!

This is my Pokemon Pearl Trainer card. Of coruse this is not my real team. I will have to join a Pokemon website soon to find some people who want to trade because I need to complete my Pokedex. But first I need to catch some more Pokemon. If you haven't got Pokemon Diamond or Pearl for the DS yet then you must get it now!!!!

Sunday, 17 February 2008


Today I got Pokemon Pearl for the DS and its a very good game.

Back to School

After a rather relaxing half term its back to school for me but its only 5 weeks till Easter. YAY

Tuesday, 12 February 2008


Yesterday I was watching a program called Hotel doctor and she was helping out this one hotel called Sparkles which is in BlackPool. Take a look at the website:

The hotel is coloured white with black spots and she has themed all the rooms. So look out for it next time your in BlackPool. I wouldn't stay there because of her and also be aware that at the end of this program it said " Sparkles is no longer trading as a hotel".

Still playing on the PS2

So when I got my Wii I always thought that my PS2 would be left gathering dust. However it doesn't seem to be that way because yesterday I played on Kingdom Hearts 2 for around 2 hours and today I have played on Harvest Moon, Spyro TEN and Kingdom Hearts 1. Its odd how things turn out. Of course I still play on my Wii as well but My PS2 is still on top!

Sunday, 10 February 2008

Ashes to Ashes: Good or Bad?

I watched Ashes to Ashes on Thursday and let me tell you its not that great. But I will give it a chance and watch it. Life on Mars was much better. Alex(thats the woman) was getting on my nerves because half the time you can't understand a word shes saying because she always talks about really boring things. It also feels like somethings missing and you know what that is Sam. I didn't really like Sam because he was a bit boring but hes alot better than her and I don't think he should have died driving a car into the lake its kind of a weird death.

Thursday, 7 February 2008

Ashes to Ashes

Ashes to Ashes is the sequel to Life on Mars.

It will be showing tonight at 9pm on BBC One. Be sure to watch it!