Tuesday, 15 April 2008

New Pokemon Game?

Serebii. net have posted some news about a new Pokemon game(YAY):
I better hurry up and finish Pokemon Pearl

Pokemon - Team Rocket

These guys are so funny they can always make me laugh. If your not watching it already then I really recommend that you watch Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. If your feeling sad then hopefully Team Rocket can cheer you up!
and here's a cool video:


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Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Smash Bros Brawl Updates


The Official Smash Bros Brawl site which updates daily is showing us some big spoilers this week. The site will stop updating on the 14Th April. Both America and Japan have the game now but Europe and Australia are still waiting for it, However Europe gets Mario Kart on the 11Th of April one day after Japan YAY!!! The Americans have to wait a bit longer for it.( 2 weeks I think) Also Europe will get Wii fit before America.

Pokemon Diamond and Pearl(Anime)

Long time no post. Hope everyone had a great Easter. Yesterday( 7Th April) The new episodes of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl started on Cartoon Network Too in the UK. They are showing everyday at 5pm so be sure to watch them.