Animal Crossing Wii Out This Year
With Smash Bros. and Mario Kart being released this year it's already a good year for Wii but it's set to get even better with the revelation that Animal Crossing is coming to the console in 2008 in Japan.This information was released in a Nintendo Japan financial report and although there's no news of a European release, the mere fact that it's on the way is enough to get us excited for now.After all, Animal Crossing Wii was mentioned when Wii (or Revolution as it was then known) was unveiled in 2005. Since then we have heard precious little information. In the same report, Disaster: Day Of Crisis was given a 2008 release date and Kirby was confirmed for Wii.If only all financial reports were like this!
Wow thats amazing news. In fact its really made my day. Hopefully it will be out in the UK before the end of 2008 too. I can't wait.
Here We Go Again!
So, at last, we can start 'officially' talking about Animal Crossing on the Wii. We've actually been planning our AC Wii cover since we did the AC Wild World cover back in issue 2 (remember that?) so it's great that the hype machine is finally starting up.I personally can't wait. I'll admit that after a while the novelty of the DS version started to wane but in those first few weeks I was hooked. The Wii version has so much potential - it blows my mind just to guess what new features we can look forward to. I think there were some great little ideas in MySims, so I'm hoping that Nintendo paid due attention to EA's little gem. And of course the potential for swapping items through WiiConnect24 and visiting each other's villages is an element of the hardware that is thus far untapped. I believe AC Wii will be the game that really shows off the networking potential of our little box of wonders.I want to see an option for detailed personalisation and creative input. I want to see DS link-up that allows for that extra design precision. I want to see a definitive swapping and trading process. I want to see a little bit of depth that lasts beyond the honeymoon period.But what about you? What do you want to see in Animal Crossing Wii?
Also a Kirby game has been confirmed for Wii.
Kirby Confirmed For Wii
A big Nintendo star will be making his Wii debut in 2008. Yes, according to Nintendo Japan's latest financial report, a new Kirby game will be released on the console in 2008 in Japan.With Mario, Link and Metroid all making their bow in the last year or so, Kirby is one of the biggest names yet to have his own Wii game. Of course he's a challenger in the forthcoming Super Smash Bros. Brawl but it will be good to see him in his own game.Of course Kirby has been a bit of a star on DS in recent years with the brilliant Kirby's Power Painbrush being one of the highlights of the handheld's first year. The last time we saw him on a console was in the unremarkable Air Ride on GameCube yet, given his pedigree in some brilliant SNES platformers, a new Kirby game isn't something to turn your nose up at.We await more details...
Tuesday, 29 January 2008
Wii to be played in Schools
Wii To Be Played In Schools
In a move that's sure to please anyone who has suffered the pain of cross-country running, the government has approved the introduction of Wii into school PE lessons.A DoH spokesman said: "We welcome the positive impact that innovations like these can have as a first step towards getting people to participate in a range of physical activities and to enjoy the many benefits of an active lifestyle."The plan should encourage schoolchildren who aren't particularly interested in sport to play a more active role in PE lessons but it hasn't gone down well with everyone. Nick Seaton, chairman of the campaign for the rather stuffy sounding Campaign for Real Education complained: "It looks like another gimmick. It's pandering to the views of the physically idle. Pupils would be far better doing serious competitive sports and games than this sort of thing."We'd imagine that this Seaton chap has never worked up a sweat on the boxing game in Wii Sports...
Well that sounds like my kind of PE lesson. Lucky kids. But I don't think they will get that fit with just the wii. Perhaps they ould play Wii Fit.
Wii P.E?
love playing football but I always hated P.E. Maybe it was because we didn't have a playing field (violins please!) but I always dreaded having to get the bus to another school to stand around on the half-way line in the freezing cold for half an hour, never to receive the ball from the hogging winger. And don't even start me on cross country running. If your idea of the countryside is the streets of Norwich city centre then there's something wrong with you. Or you were once a P.E. teacher at the Notre Dame High School. That's why I think the idea of introducing Wii into P.E. lessons is, in theory, a good one. For those who criticise the Department Of Health's endorsement, this isn't going to stop anyone playing actual sports. Those who are good at and enjoy sport will always play it and get plenty of exercise. Meanwhile, those who hate P.E will be walking the final lap of the 1,500 metres when the teacher is looking the other way. Or was that just me?Yet there are still questions that need to be asked. Does a session on Wii amount to adequate exercise? Will pupils want to play Wii Sports week after week? Well, the answer to the first one depends on how much you put into it. On your first game of Wii Sports (especially boxing) you may well tire yourself out by wildly swinging your arms but once you become experienced you'll know that you can play just as effectively by just flicking your wrists. It does get you on your feet but whether it provides decent exercise is up for debate.Yet - and this answers the second question - there are other games. Wii Fit isn't out yet but ONM's Chris Scullion has been playing it every day and through doing the press-ups and yoga exercises he has lost three pounds. Unfortunately he won't do them in the office but the fact is that Wii Fit does actually work in the same way that Brain Training can sharpen your maths skills. Then of course there's Mario And Sonic At The Olympic Games which is arguably more exhausting than any Wii game out there.So, there are games that will raise your heart-rate. Of course this doesn't mean playing Wii will be as good for you as running around a playing field but for those who don't enjoy or put any effort into P.E., this could be a decent alternative.What do you think? Would you welcome the introduction of Wii into P.E. lessons? Do you think Wii can provide a decent workout? What games would you like to play in Wii P.E.?
In a move that's sure to please anyone who has suffered the pain of cross-country running, the government has approved the introduction of Wii into school PE lessons.A DoH spokesman said: "We welcome the positive impact that innovations like these can have as a first step towards getting people to participate in a range of physical activities and to enjoy the many benefits of an active lifestyle."The plan should encourage schoolchildren who aren't particularly interested in sport to play a more active role in PE lessons but it hasn't gone down well with everyone. Nick Seaton, chairman of the campaign for the rather stuffy sounding Campaign for Real Education complained: "It looks like another gimmick. It's pandering to the views of the physically idle. Pupils would be far better doing serious competitive sports and games than this sort of thing."We'd imagine that this Seaton chap has never worked up a sweat on the boxing game in Wii Sports...
Well that sounds like my kind of PE lesson. Lucky kids. But I don't think they will get that fit with just the wii. Perhaps they ould play Wii Fit.
Wii P.E?
love playing football but I always hated P.E. Maybe it was because we didn't have a playing field (violins please!) but I always dreaded having to get the bus to another school to stand around on the half-way line in the freezing cold for half an hour, never to receive the ball from the hogging winger. And don't even start me on cross country running. If your idea of the countryside is the streets of Norwich city centre then there's something wrong with you. Or you were once a P.E. teacher at the Notre Dame High School. That's why I think the idea of introducing Wii into P.E. lessons is, in theory, a good one. For those who criticise the Department Of Health's endorsement, this isn't going to stop anyone playing actual sports. Those who are good at and enjoy sport will always play it and get plenty of exercise. Meanwhile, those who hate P.E will be walking the final lap of the 1,500 metres when the teacher is looking the other way. Or was that just me?Yet there are still questions that need to be asked. Does a session on Wii amount to adequate exercise? Will pupils want to play Wii Sports week after week? Well, the answer to the first one depends on how much you put into it. On your first game of Wii Sports (especially boxing) you may well tire yourself out by wildly swinging your arms but once you become experienced you'll know that you can play just as effectively by just flicking your wrists. It does get you on your feet but whether it provides decent exercise is up for debate.Yet - and this answers the second question - there are other games. Wii Fit isn't out yet but ONM's Chris Scullion has been playing it every day and through doing the press-ups and yoga exercises he has lost three pounds. Unfortunately he won't do them in the office but the fact is that Wii Fit does actually work in the same way that Brain Training can sharpen your maths skills. Then of course there's Mario And Sonic At The Olympic Games which is arguably more exhausting than any Wii game out there.So, there are games that will raise your heart-rate. Of course this doesn't mean playing Wii will be as good for you as running around a playing field but for those who don't enjoy or put any effort into P.E., this could be a decent alternative.What do you think? Would you welcome the introduction of Wii into P.E. lessons? Do you think Wii can provide a decent workout? What games would you like to play in Wii P.E.?
Sunday, 27 January 2008
Which ... Character are you?
Which Kingdom Hearts Character are you?
YAY I'm Sora!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Which Spyro Character are you?
Spyro!!!!!!! Wicked!
Which Sonic Character are you?
I'm Sonic. Not cool. I wanna be Shadow :P
YAY I'm Sora!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Which Spyro Character are you?
Spyro!!!!!!! Wicked!
Which Sonic Character are you?
I'm Sonic. Not cool. I wanna be Shadow :P
Sega Superstars Tennis
A collection of Sega's greatest from past to present are making their way to center court.
Looks interesting. Although not shown in this video best of all Shadow is in it. Defiantly worth a rent.
Looks interesting. Although not shown in this video best of all Shadow is in it. Defiantly worth a rent.
Thursday, 24 January 2008
Thursday 24th Januray

Hi! Yesterday I just posted pictures but today its back to normal. As you can see above are two pictures of a Wii game called Mysims. I got this Wii game on Tuesday and its very good and addictive. I highly recommend it. From building your house and workshop to collecting essences its all fun! My favourite essence so far has to be the happy essence because its cute.
ONM forum talk
Here are some questions from the ONM forum that I will answer:
The Magazine
Should ONM scrap the GBA chart???
Yes and No. Yes because they could have the top 15 wii games and No because its funny to read.
Which Nintendo character is the best?
Zero Suit
None of them. But if I had to choose then probably Luigi or DK.
The one thing I'd love to see ONM bring back
Back in the old NOM there was a small section where people designed there own game covers and wrote a small description about it. It was brilliant and it gives us more to do then design covers. Any chance of you bringing it back ONM team?
I never brought the old NOM but this does sound rather fun.
Issue 26 Feedback Thread
Good issue, but not great. The cover was a bit boring as I don't like Star wars so I didn't read the pages on Star wars. The Wii Fit article was interesting and I also enjoyed the Nights review. The preview section was a bit small this month and the free gift could have been better, such as a Mario Kart keyring but overall good job!
Reviews & Buyer's Guide
Super Mario galaxy sucks
Now i know what your thinking but i am not insane. the game was great for about a
week but than it just got boring and repitive who agrees
SMG is alright. Its a good game and probably one of the best games on wii. Every moment is magical but I don't really like Mario that much, however if it was a Sonic game then I would love it! I give it 85% overall partly because its only Mario!
Is Mario and Sonic as good as ONM says?
It's my birthday coming up and I'm thinking of buying Mario and Sonic at the Olympics. Thing is though, apart from ONM's great review of the game, most of the other reviews for it have been rather bad(IGN, Gamespot, ect.) So is the game as
good as ONM says and should I pick it up?
Yes! Go for it. Its my favourite game on Wii and beats Super Mario Galaxy anyday. Most of the events are great fun and you actually feel like you have done something instead of sitting on a sofa and playing games. Best of all Shadow is in it.
Wednesday, 23 January 2008
Saturday, 19 January 2008
B-days over and life goes on
Life goes on 

So with my birthday over life goes on as normal. It doesn't feel any different being one year older and I still love Spyro, Shadow and Sora as much as I always have.
I had many presents for my birthday. I love them all. I had a...
>LG shine pink phone its really easy to use and I love it but I still need to connect it to the computer to download some videos, pictures and maybe some music.
> Black fluffy Water bottle. Like the one below but in black.
> Pink alarm clock which didn't work so it was taken back to the shop.
>Makeup case
> Pencil tin
Apart from having to go to school I had a great birthday. In the night we went out for a meal. I had a bacon Burger and for afters a fudge sundae. I also had a lovely cake which had pink icing and lipsticks made of icing on the top.
Brawl updates
Tue 15th Jan
Distant Planet
Wed 16th Jan
Thu 17th Jan
Pikmin & Olimar: Final Smash
Fri 18th Jan
Sticker Power-ups
Overall a cool update week.
Official Nintendo magazine
Its that time of month again when the latest ONM comes out. I got it yesterday and its a good issue go and buy it now! On the front cover is a boring star wars light saber shaped like a wii remote but inside there is a review of nights and a preview of Sega superstars tennis. The free gift isn't that good this month its a Mario kart wallet.
Also there is a new ONM website up now. See it at:
I said I would do my gaming highlights and highlights of the week and lets not forget game of the week so lets do this. From now on every Saturday I will post my highlights, gaming highlights and game of the week!
Game of the week
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic games
why?: Its one of my favourite wii games, a great 4 player and has loads of events with amazing controls. All the best Mario & Sonic characters are playable and the ones who didn't make it are in the background. The gallery has lots of stuff about the Olympic games and you have to play fun mini games to unlock Mario & Sonic music. There is loads of emblems to collect and if you want to get a crown for every character you will be playing for a long ,long time because you need a good medal in every event. I play on this game every day and I couldn't think of one reason why you shouldn't buy it. Also Shadow is in it that means you have to buy it!
Gaming Highlights
+ Finally after hours of trying winning on the skeet event on Mario and Sonic.
+ Finding out that there are loads of good games coming out for the wii.
+ Getting the ONM issue.
- saying AC Wii plus SSBB are coming out on 25th Jan! I wish.
- Brawl might not be out in the UK till July or later.
+ My birthday.
+ Getting my new phone.
+ Watching Sonic X.
- Getting up early.
- Going to school on my birthday
Monday, 14 January 2008
B-day tomorrow and other things
Well tomorrow is my birthday and I will be... 14 I'm quite excited about getting my new phone.
Every Friday I will try and post my highlights of the week and my gaming highlights of the week I will also post my game of the week.
Other stuff
I couldn't stop laughing when playing Mario galaxy yesterday! I had to turn off the game in the end because I kept dying. I was on the level where you have to roll the ball all the way round the level to get the power star inside it and when you go faster the music speeds up and when you go slower it slows down. It was the music's fault!
I am thinking of renting a game probably Sonic and the secret rings. I would rent Sonic the hedgehog IF it was on the wii!!!! I am still annoyed about that. Maybe I will buy mysims with my birthday money. Mysims looks cool.
Brawl update
Its a good one today!
Shadow tributes
Shadow Bring me to life:
How To Save A Life :
"Who I Am Hates Who I've Been":
Shadow Walks Alone :
Sonic the Hedgehog - Sanctuary:
Shadow The Hedgehog - All Hail Shadow :
My Desktop Picture
Like it? Three hedgehogs. Shadows the best.

Can't wait till....
Sonic riders: Zero Gravity comes out.
Every Friday I will try and post my highlights of the week and my gaming highlights of the week I will also post my game of the week.
Other stuff
I couldn't stop laughing when playing Mario galaxy yesterday! I had to turn off the game in the end because I kept dying. I was on the level where you have to roll the ball all the way round the level to get the power star inside it and when you go faster the music speeds up and when you go slower it slows down. It was the music's fault!
I am thinking of renting a game probably Sonic and the secret rings. I would rent Sonic the hedgehog IF it was on the wii!!!! I am still annoyed about that. Maybe I will buy mysims with my birthday money. Mysims looks cool.
Brawl update
Its a good one today!
Shadow tributes
Shadow Bring me to life:
How To Save A Life :
"Who I Am Hates Who I've Been":
Shadow Walks Alone :
Sonic the Hedgehog - Sanctuary:
Shadow The Hedgehog - All Hail Shadow :
My Desktop Picture
Like it? Three hedgehogs. Shadows the best.

Can't wait till....
Sonic riders: Zero Gravity comes out.
Thursday, 10 January 2008
January 10th 2008
Super Smash Bros. Brawl Updates
Tue 8th Jan
STADIUM: Multi-Man Brawl
Wed 9th Jan
After many days, weeks and even months of waiting a new character was finally revealed, Pikmin & Olimar. Also the Pikmin: World Map music was put on the site.
Thu 10th Jan
Snake: Final Smash
Sonic the hedgehog PS3 and XBOX game
If you haven't got the game yet or have till wait till you get a PS3(like me) you may want to watch the cut scenes of each characters story.
Like I said there are 4 game modes so I will post the videos in order. Sonic and Sliver,s stories are in four parts while shadows is spilt up into 15 parts. I don't know why this is but its probably so they could be put on youtube. Out of all the stories in the game Shadows is by far the best but I probably think that because I'm a Shadow Fan.
Sonics Story
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4 Finale:
I didn't find Sonics story that interesting but if your a huge fan of Sonic then I guess you might. I still can't wait to play this game!
Shadows Story
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
Part 7:
Part 8:
Part 9:
Part 10:
Part 11:
Part 12:
Part 13:
Part 14:
Part 15 Finale:
Shadows story is the best in the game! The ending is the coolest. GO SHADOW!
Silvers Story
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4 Finale:
Silvers story is alright but not as good as shadows.
Final story
Part 1:
Part 2:
The final story is great too! All the hedgehogs go super! YAY! However the ending is a bit stupid but its sad too.
Tue 8th Jan
STADIUM: Multi-Man Brawl
Wed 9th Jan
After many days, weeks and even months of waiting a new character was finally revealed, Pikmin & Olimar. Also the Pikmin: World Map music was put on the site.
Thu 10th Jan
Snake: Final Smash
Sonic the hedgehog PS3 and XBOX game
If you haven't got the game yet or have till wait till you get a PS3(like me) you may want to watch the cut scenes of each characters story.
Like I said there are 4 game modes so I will post the videos in order. Sonic and Sliver,s stories are in four parts while shadows is spilt up into 15 parts. I don't know why this is but its probably so they could be put on youtube. Out of all the stories in the game Shadows is by far the best but I probably think that because I'm a Shadow Fan.
Sonics Story
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4 Finale:
I didn't find Sonics story that interesting but if your a huge fan of Sonic then I guess you might. I still can't wait to play this game!
Shadows Story
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
Part 7:
Part 8:
Part 9:
Part 10:
Part 11:
Part 12:
Part 13:
Part 14:
Part 15 Finale:
Shadows story is the best in the game! The ending is the coolest. GO SHADOW!
Silvers Story
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4 Finale:
Silvers story is alright but not as good as shadows.
Final story
Part 1:
Part 2:
The final story is great too! All the hedgehogs go super! YAY! However the ending is a bit stupid but its sad too.
Monday, 7 January 2008
Sonic, Shadow and more Sonic!
Long time no post! Anyway I have lots of news!

I started back at school today but what really made my day was Sonic X, a TV show I really love was on just before I went to school!
Sonic the hedgehog video game

These are the covers for the sonic the hedgehog game which I only just found out about. I think the first cover is better because it has Shadow on it. I was very excited about getting this game but its only on XBOX and PS3 not Wii, So I will have to wait until I get a PS3 to play this really cool game! I have watched some cut scenes from the game and it looks like a good storyline. There are four game modes Sonic story, Shadow story, Sliver story and the final story mode.
Brawl Update
Melee Stages: Part 2
15th Jan
Its my birthday and I am going to be getting this phone:

Yes its the LG KE970 Shine in Pink!
Wednesday, 2 January 2008
A Happy New Year!
Well its finally new year.
And it looks like another good year for Nintendo with:
Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros Brawl and many other games coming out for both the Wii and DS. Maybe even Animal Crossing Wii. Now that would be exciting.
What do we know about ACWii?
Not much. Nintendo are keeping very quiet about it.
IGN have a few articles about it:
Rumor: MMO Animal Crossing:
Animal Crossing Wii: AU Predictions
E3 2007: Animal Crossing Update
and so do Wikipedia:
But nothing else is know. Perhaps Nintendo will give us some news on it sometime this year.
The Golden Compass
I went to see this film on Monday and I thought it was very good. Its in three parts which is sort of annoying because we will have to wait till the next part comes out to find out what happens.
'There is a world where witches rule the northern skies, where ice bears are the bravest of warriors, and where every human is joined with an animal spirit who is as close to them as their own heart.These are called demons. But this world is dominated by the Magisterium, which seeks to control all of humanity, and whose greatest threat is the last remaining Golden Compass and the one child destined to possess it.'
To find out more about the film visit:
I give it 4/5. Go and see it now!!!
And it looks like another good year for Nintendo with:
Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros Brawl and many other games coming out for both the Wii and DS. Maybe even Animal Crossing Wii. Now that would be exciting.
What do we know about ACWii?
Not much. Nintendo are keeping very quiet about it.
IGN have a few articles about it:
Rumor: MMO Animal Crossing:
Animal Crossing Wii: AU Predictions
E3 2007: Animal Crossing Update
and so do Wikipedia:
But nothing else is know. Perhaps Nintendo will give us some news on it sometime this year.
The Golden Compass
I went to see this film on Monday and I thought it was very good. Its in three parts which is sort of annoying because we will have to wait till the next part comes out to find out what happens.
'There is a world where witches rule the northern skies, where ice bears are the bravest of warriors, and where every human is joined with an animal spirit who is as close to them as their own heart.These are called demons. But this world is dominated by the Magisterium, which seeks to control all of humanity, and whose greatest threat is the last remaining Golden Compass and the one child destined to possess it.'
To find out more about the film visit:
I give it 4/5. Go and see it now!!!
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